Join us for lots of fun activities,
goodies, and reading rewards and cool facts about our world, especially,
undersea life!
Exciting projects created during our
June 29th STEAM Stars Summer Reading Program include: coloring whale sharks, which are the largest
fish on our planer; creating a clothespin shark with a small fish in its mouth;
creating a whale puppet and pinning the tail on the whale! Lots of fun treats, gifts and reading rewards
were earned!
Are your pumpkin seeds growing from
last week? The library's pumpkin seeds are almost 4 inches high! We
will be planting them soon!
We will also demonstrate our hungry
caterpillars which soon will be spinning silk cocoons and then, a week or so
later, become butterflies just in time for our Summer Reading Program Finale on
Friday, July 27.
Events include:
Friday, July 6
How Deep Is the Ocean?
Friday, July 13
Gravity--The Living Force
Friday, July 20
Cloud or Fog? Weather Conditions and Science
Friday, July 27
The World of Insects--A Small, Significant View
All events and activities take place
at Doyle Library at 11 am!
REMEMBER: Be sure to color and
fill in your bookshelves on your reading reward sheets as you are reading your
books, so you can bring them in for reading rewards and free prizes, everyone!
For more information, visit our
website at